El Problema

Los solicitantes para visas de visitantes en los países más grandes para viajes entrantes a los EE.UU. actualmente tienen que esperar más de 400 días para entrevistas. Los datos muestran un grave atraso en el procesamiento de visas de visitantes está retrasando las visitas a los Estados Unidos de viajeros globales en mercados claves.

$120 mil

millones en gastos (50%) en 2019 provinieron de países donde se requiere una visa de visitante para ingresar a los Estados Unidos.


días de espera para que los visitantes primerizos de los principales mercados entrantes reciban entrevistas.


de estos visitantes son de Brasil, India y México, tres de los principales mercados entrantes que requieren visas de visitantes.

Los retrasos increíblemente largos en la emisión de visas de visitantes separan familias, retrasan los viajes y perjudican a las empresas estadounidenses.

Cuando los visitantes tienen que esperar tanto tiempo, muchos eligen otros destinos para visitar. Esto tiene un costo proyectado para la economía de los EE.UU. de casi $7 mil millones en gastos de los viajeros solo en 2023.

Es por eso que instamos a la administración de Biden a priorizar el procesamiento de visas de visitantes y reducir drásticamente los tiempos de espera para los visitantes de los EE.UU.

La Solución

Para mejorar el procesamiento de visas de visitantes de EE.UU., la administración de Biden debería:

  • Reducir los tiempos de espera a 21 días en los principales países para viajes entrantes a EE.UU. para abril de 2023.
  • Para el 31 de septiembre de 2023, restablecer la Orden Ejecutiva para proporcionar citas para entrevistas para el 80% de los solicitantes de visas de no inmigrantes de EE. UU. dentro de los 21 días o menos.
  • Aumentar los recursos en países con un alto volumen de solicitantes y para grandes eventos en los EE.UU. que atraen visitantes internacionales.
  • Extender las exenciones de entrevistas para renovaciones de visas de no inmigrantes de EE.UU. y aplicar exenciones de manera más amplia a los solicitantes de renovación hasta 2024.



Soy un viajero

¿Eres un viajero potencial, particularmente de un país fuera del Programa de Exención de Visa de EE. UU., y todavía estás esperando una visa de visitante para viajar a los Estados Unidos? ¿Viajarás a otro lugar si tienes una espera de meses o incluso años simplemente para solicitar la visita a los EE. UU.?

Soy un propietario de una empresa

¿Eres propietario o gerente de una empresa estadounidense que ha sufrido debido a la disminución de turistas, especialmente de países que no pertenecen al Programa de Exención de Visa, como Brasil, India y México? ¿Qué te has perdido mientras el reloj avanza? Haz que tu voz se escuche. Cuéntanos tu historia.

Ver todas las historias

Historias de retrasos en visas de viaje de todo el mundo.

I have recently applied for a US Visa. I have completed all the steps for the visa application after the submission of the DS 160 form fee, but I am not able to schedule an appointment for the visa. I have to attend a mega conference organized by the National Consortium Of Ayurveda Medicine in Orlando, Florida, on October 27–29, 2023. I am invited as a speaker for that conference. I am an officer of the Ministry of Ayush, Government of India. I got an NOC from the Ministry of Ayush, Government of India, and FCRA clearance from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. Kindly resolve the matter as soon as possible and provide the appointment date as earliest.

I have recently applied for a US Visa. I have completed all the steps for the visa application after the submission of the DS 160 form fee, but I am not able to schedule an appointment for the visa. I have to attend a mega conference organized by the National Consortium Of Ayurveda Medicine in Orlando, Florida, on October 27–29, 2023. I am invited as a speaker for that conference. I am an officer of the Ministry of Ayush, Government of India. I got an NOC from the Ministry of Ayush, Government of India, and FCRA clearance from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. Kindly resolve the matter as soon as possible and provide the appointment date as earliest.

I have recently applied for a US Visa. I have completed all the steps for the visa application after the submission of the DS 160 form fee, but I am not able to schedule an appointment for the visa. I have to attend a mega conference organized by the National Consortium Of Ayurveda Medicine in Orlando, Florida, on October 27–29, 2023. I am invited as a speaker for that conference. I am an officer of the Ministry of Ayush, Government of India. I got an NOC from the Ministry of Ayush, Government of India, and FCRA clearance from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. Kindly resolve the matter as soon as possible and provide the appointment date as earliest.

Dr Atul Babu Varshney,



We produce international exhibitions and events and depend on international visitors. Why can’t someone fix this backlog already?

We produce international exhibitions and events and depend on international visitors. Why can’t someone fix this backlog already?

We produce international exhibitions and events and depend on international visitors. Why can’t someone fix this backlog already?

Max Jaramillo,
Miami FL
United States


I want to travel with my child and my husband, I’ve been in the united states 5 times! But would be the first time with them. My kid is 1 y.o. so his passaport has a short expiration date. At first, I schedule the interview for more than 400 days away! I’m trying to reduce this time every day by rescheduling…We really wanted to travel before he gets to 2 y.o. but we can’t. Now hope we get the visa before the 3…. ( a big raise in the cost of the travel because he started to pay for everything).

I want to travel with my child and my husband, I’ve been in the united states 5 times! But would be the first time with them. My kid is 1 y.o. so his passaport has a short expiration date. At first, I schedule the interview for more than 400 days away! I’m trying to reduce this time every day by rescheduling…We really wanted to travel before he gets to 2 y.o. but we can’t. Now hope we get the visa before the 3…. ( a big raise in the cost of the travel because he started to pay for everything).

I want to travel with my child and my husband, I’ve been in the united states 5 times! But would be the first time with them. My kid is 1 y.o. so his passaport has a short expiration date. At first, I schedule the interview for more than 400 days away! I’m trying to reduce this time every day by rescheduling…We really wanted to travel before he gets to 2 y.o. but we can’t. Now hope we get the visa before the 3…. ( a big raise in the cost of the travel because he started to pay for everything).

Bruna Plachi,



I’m brasilian and I received flight tickets to the US as a birthday gift. The travel will be on October 2023, but I just found out about the very long wait time to get a visitors visa. It is so sad, I’m afraid I’m gonna loose my chance to visit the US just because it’s not being possible to get a visa… Somebody needs to do something about this issue!

I’m brasilian and I received flight tickets to the US as a birthday gift. The travel will be on October 2023, but I just found out about the very long wait time to get a visitors visa. It is so sad, I’m afraid I’m gonna loose my chance to visit the US just because it’s not being possible to get a visa… Somebody needs to do something about this issue!

I’m brasilian and I received flight tickets to the US as a birthday gift. The travel will be on October 2023, but I just found out about the very long wait time to get a visitors visa. It is so sad, I’m afraid I’m gonna loose my chance to visit the US just because it’s not being possible to get a visa… Somebody needs to do something about this issue!

Elen de Carvalho,



After 10 years since I’ve last been to the US I would like to take my family for our family vacation. My understanding of the wait times is that the United States lacks a visa policy. If the target is balance the risk of illegal immigration and the tourist spend the current one-model-fits-all process is bound to shift the scale to only one of these objectives. Brazil for instance has no visa requirements to Europe or Japan – so in general terms the country is already perceived as a low risk origin. In addition to this the visa process overextends itself by requiring tourists who have already been to the US and high-income countries multiple times and possess a high income to go through an interview which will not provide any relevant information about the applicant that is relevant to its perceived risk level.

After 10 years since I’ve last been to the US I would like to take my family for our family vacation. My understanding of the wait times is that the United States lacks a visa policy. If the target is balance the risk of illegal immigration and the tourist spend the current one-model-fits-all process is bound to shift the scale to only one of these objectives. Brazil for instance has no visa requirements to Europe or Japan – so in general terms the country is already perceived as a low risk origin. In addition to this the visa process overextends itself by requiring tourists who have already been to the US and high-income countries multiple times and possess a high income to go through an interview which will not provide any relevant information about the applicant that is relevant to its perceived risk level.

After 10 years since I’ve last been to the US I would like to take my family for our family vacation. My understanding of the wait times is that the United States lacks a visa policy. If the target is balance the risk of illegal immigration and the tourist spend the current one-model-fits-all process is bound to shift the scale to only one of these objectives. Brazil for instance has no visa requirements to Europe or Japan – so in general terms the country is already perceived as a low risk origin. In addition to this the visa process overextends itself by requiring tourists who have already been to the US and high-income countries multiple times and possess a high income to go through an interview which will not provide any relevant information about the applicant that is relevant to its perceived risk level.

Erick Poletto,



Cuando los viajeros globales experimentan tiempos de espera excesivos para obtener una visa de visitante de EE. UU., irán a otros lugares y Estados Unidos perderá la oportunidad de darles la bienvenida.
